Made-Up Words

Here is a list of words I made up when I had nothing better to do!

The List

Meanings and Usage

Here you can find meanings of the aforementioned words :)


Broccoli refers to anything that is outside the norm.
Example: "Dude I think I know a perfectly broccoli way to celebrate this weekend!"


GAWL is an acronym for General Annoyance With Life. Pronounced like "paul" or "doll". GAWL refers to when you are feeling annoyed with everyone and everything but cannot pin-point to a single cause of annoyance.
Example: "Aaj kuch jyada hi GAWL horahi hai!"

Maybe this gif will better capture the meaning

Thanda Tea

Thanda Tea refers to a moment when you let go of your "chill" persona and allow everyone involved to see your inner pettiness.
Example: "Why did you have to tell her about that? Gosh, you're being a total Thanda Tea right now."

Nobody likes cold tea. Stay cool, buddy, stay cooool.


Brain-ing refers to the act of using a lot of mental energy to get a task done
Example: "I guess this html thing didn't require as much brain-ing as I thought it would!"